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Raspberry Pi Download Machine Part 3

Sometimes I Leave the House

I go to work, to friends and sometimes just wonder around London. So what happens when a new post r/opendirectories appears, and I gotta grab me the new Marvel bullshit so I can take the piss out of it? For this to work we need external access.

Port Forwarding

Before I head into the world of port forwarding I'd just like to say that I am not a fan at all. Anything open is a way into you system and network, that being said here is how you do it.

All of your devices are on a Local Area Network, that then goes out onto the internet to get stuff like dank memes and bring them back. Your router does the job of looking at who requested something and therefore whom to deliver to. Also your LAN appears on the internet as a single external IP address. So this leads to 2 questions:
  1. If sending to an external IP how does it know what internally it needs to send to? It doesn't
  2. But what about sending information in without a prior request? Well big nope for that one
Port Forwarding takes care of both of these. You will first of all tell it what service is to be made available for outside requests. Each service on a system has an individual port so that is what we use. Next we need to tell it what internally we need to reach, so now we use the IP address of the Pi. Sometime you can do a port redirection, this is where the port externally is changed to port internally. An entry into a router may look something like this:

Best thing to do is just Google you router model number and 'port forward'.

Dynamic DNS

So another issue that can arise is that your external IP address can constantly change. Here in the UK BT Broadband can change nearly every day! So the best thing to do to Set up a dynamic address that you can update. Basic you subscribe to a service and pick a URL, the you have something internally update your IP to the service whenever the IP changes.

So every service differs so sign up, choose a domain and setup the updater on your router or pi.

Changing the Profile 

Now in the Aria2App for Android, select Edit or delete profile and select the profile you use. Change the address to your host from Dynamic DNS and port number to the external set up in the forwarding. And hoorah you now have external access!!


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